Today’s blog post features alumna Nancy Hines. Nancy recently participated in the 15th Annual ARC Salon and her painting, All These Years, was awarded an Honourable Mention in the Figurative section. In addition, her painting will be joining approximately 100 other works for the 15th International ARC Salon Exhibition at Sotheby’s flagship location in New York City. The show will first open in New York in July 2021 and will then travel to Barcelona, Spain to hang in the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM). This second show will open on October 8th, 2021 and close on December 12th, 2021. Congratulations Nancy!
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Nancy Hines
All These Years
Oil on canvas
121.92 × 91.44 cm | 48 × 36 in
“All These Years” is a portrait of the relationship between Clyde and Elsie Frost, rodeo royalty, who celebrated fifty years together last autumn. Clyde is a Ben Johnson Memorial Award recipient, and Lane, their late son, was a world champion bull rider and a member of the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. The movie 8 Seconds was based on Elsie’s original story of Lane’s rise in the rodeo world. Elsie fondly tucks her fingers into Clyde’s bronc riding ruined hand. They are both adorned with the evidence of trials and joys celebrated years ago, as well as today – their wedding, Lane’s triumph riding bulls, and his widow’s wedding ring, returned to Elsie upon her second marriage. The beautiful swollen joints, veins, and spots are well earned and reflect perfectly the character of the couple as the hardworking, down-to-earth people they are.