“In the heart of Florence, our Academy is reviving the disciplines and principles that the Great Masters themselves used.”
– Michael John Angel, Founder
What you will learn: Representationalism redefined.
Representationalism is not to be confused with Naturalism.
For us, Representationalism goes well beyond copying nature. It is a method of artistic creation. It is a method of painting and drawing used to generate convincing and evocative works.
With this in mind, our students learn the wide range of techniques needed to compose innovative art that appears convincing, even when a fantasy, an allegory or a vision is depicted.
Once they have become masters of Representationalism, Angel Academy of Art students have free-range to intentionally capture, enhance, and manipulate reality and the emotions it can evoke.

At the Angel Academy in Florence, right from the first year students are taught the drawing and painting techniques used by the Old Masters. These include, for example, ancient methods for:
- Effectively employing the principles of colour and composition
- Sequencing and executing the progression from under- to over-painting
- Bringing convincing Life to Representational paintings and drawings
How you will learn: as the Masters did.
The Angel Academy of Art has resurrected the knowledge of art’s golden ages: the Renaissance and that of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Our programmes teach by using the methods begun in the early 1400’s and developed over the ensuing 600 years; it is the system that created the Masters.
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