Today’s blog post features alumna Lyubena Fox and her recent solo show: Altar of Emotions. The exhibition took place this past October at Nuance Gallery in Sofia, Bulgaria; where the painter hails from. The show revolved around the concept of symbolism; with each painting displaying its meaning through its visuals. In her own words, “the paintings depict human emotions, using object symbolism as a means of expression. [Lyubena Fox] believes that art is a tool for achieving a deeper understanding of ourselves and our emotions, so it must be accessible and understandable to the audience”.

Below are Lyubena’s explanations for the symbolism within some of her paintings:
Through Philosophy the Mind Flourishes
“The human mind (portrayed by the skull) flourishes and thrives (depicted by the butterflies, a positive symbol that symbolize resurrection) through philosophy and understanding of oneself (the books represent knowledge). Just like the caterpillars metamorphose into butterflies, [that] able to grasp more of the world, the mind has the ability to transform and gain a greater comprehension”.

“The yellow carnation represents disappointment while the ring is a symbol of connection between people; in this case a romantic relationship. The flower has grown, its roots developing and feeding off the ring”.

Growing Disappointment
“The yellow carnation represents disappointment while the ring is a symbol of connection between people; in this case a romantic relationship. The flower has grown, its roots developing and feeding off the ring”.
Happiness is a Butterfly
“The red anemone flowers symbolize forsaken love while the Forget-Me-Nots represent the memories of that love. The ring, which once symbolized the connection to her former beloved one, has fallen to the ground and is lost. Lying on the cold stone ground, desperate to replace her inner grief (signified by the tear) with a physical sensation, the heroine reveals that she has pierced herself with a dagger. The weapon impales the skin, directly hitting the solar plexus, where intense emotional pain is felt. Finally, after being able to feel something other than emotional suffering, her relief (happiness) is signified by the butterfly that has landed on the dagger”.
“‘Lilac’ portrays the first emotions of love through a comparison between the flower and the feeling. It blooms in spring when the cycle of nature starts; a relationship begins with these feelings of infatuation. The gentle pastel colors of the lilac are the romantic feelings that have not yet turned into deeper love [which may be symbolized by a rose with a rich red color], and thus remain a pale color. The scent of the flower is sweet and enchanting. It entrances your whole body, just like when you are falling in love. There is the famous saying ‘you see everything through [rose]-coloured glasses’- it affects your whole being”.
Congratulations on your solo show, Lyubena! We at the Angel Academy of Art, Florence are very proud of you, and are waiting with bated breath to see what you paint next.