You are currently viewing Salvatore Fichera’s work in Florence

Salvatore Fichera’s work in Florence

Today’s blog post focuses on Salvatore Fichera’s work in Florence. As
mentioned in the previous article featuring him, since graduating from
the Angel Academy of Art, Salvo has divided his time between his home
island of Sicily and Florence.

Currently, he serves as the on-site
Covid Representative at Angel Academy and organizes the in-house
portrait painting sessions four evenings a week.

Salvo spends his free time exploring Florence and its nearby
countryside, often painting en plein air landscape studies.

While some
of his paintings, such as “Mother and Son” are painted from
photographic references taken during his many travels, Salvo prefers
to work completely from life, as can be seen by his many portraits of
his friends and peers.

Most recently, Salvo was chosen as a semifinalist for the 15th Art Renewal Center Salon with his painting “Mother and Son”. He continues to paint prolifically and competitively for the realist market.